Saw a dog howl in acute agony this morning and if that wasn't the most heart wrenching thing ever then... well I guess it just isn't. And it probably wasn't. neertehless, after that display I decided to put someone out of their misery (which is really what i wanted to do to the dog, but there were hordes of people standing around and you know they can get finicky about these simple things) Who was the lucky person? My graphics designer for one, though that in it self is being presumptuous since the SOB, cutie that he is, haven't designed not one fickle of the promised lot friendship is paying for.
I'm also giving up on my IT guy friend who's had my laptop for ages, 1/4 of the reason I'm not posting pics.
Yup, so cancelling these 2 will put me out of my misery, ever so slightly.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
whirl around
this week has merged itself quite tastefully into next. As if the one didn't even existed. already my excitement over panting my hundreds of useless thoughts here have began to waiver, surely nothing some slow days won't fix.
Truly too I intended to share here massive doses of my mediocre photography at you guys, hit you before you fully realised you've just wasted a wholly productive minute viewing pointless (though captivating if I do say so my self [as i did] and hence totally understandably irresistible)
Take the carrot cake muffins Raquel and I made 2 nights ago, of which I have all of 7 pics and helped very minute bits. What affects that is I have Internet access here, but! my photos upload through the nifty slot provided by that clever laptop of mine. Why on earth should i be made to the task of saving and reloading on a desktop? meet lazy.
Truly too I intended to share here massive doses of my mediocre photography at you guys, hit you before you fully realised you've just wasted a wholly productive minute viewing pointless (though captivating if I do say so my self [as i did] and hence totally understandably irresistible)
Take the carrot cake muffins Raquel and I made 2 nights ago, of which I have all of 7 pics and helped very minute bits. What affects that is I have Internet access here, but! my photos upload through the nifty slot provided by that clever laptop of mine. Why on earth should i be made to the task of saving and reloading on a desktop? meet lazy.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Week of Disappointments
Every time I chastise myself for going on that god-awful boat it’s with an 80% self conviction, accepting as fact that I’m as easily influenced as Mr. Potato Head play-doh in a chubby kid’s hand. There I was chilled on the upper deck of the dirty thing because the upper deck is where the socialites and people just not having fun for an assortment of reasons; mine being self disgust with my lack of backbone. And here's the thing - I offered to buy the bloody ticket, ya know, support the venture. But nooooo: “Yuh hafta come tuh make up numbers!” Then I squander a good eight to eleven minutes obsessing on whether my presence would indeed count, would I be missed? You don’t want to know the abyss of doubt and self degradation this spiraled in to.
Wore black spiky things to the “Rave” party on Saturday: sigh of disappointment. The concept of rave here, as I’ve been duped elsewhere, is the Alternative music played on 95.1FM (bless their heart) but I swear! Alternative, Dance, Reggaeton, anything but dub and soca, if you call it as it is people will still show up… for the free drinks anyway.
‘Free drinks from 2:00AM to 2.30AM’, exactly what brand of bull is this? How much beer, cheap rum and coke and tequila can any rational person chug in half hour? Mas importante, it wholly does not complement my ‘enter free before 10:30’ credo as I’m bound to be too wasted to reckon its 2am at 2am. Even if I did, it’s me and all the other girls-on-a-budget trying to get to the bar without making it completely obvious we’re trying to get to the bar.
Pblished in ETNT Weekly. Bleh
Every time I chastise myself for going on that god-awful boat it’s with an 80% self conviction, accepting as fact that I’m as easily influenced as Mr. Potato Head play-doh in a chubby kid’s hand. There I was chilled on the upper deck of the dirty thing because the upper deck is where the socialites and people just not having fun for an assortment of reasons; mine being self disgust with my lack of backbone. And here's the thing - I offered to buy the bloody ticket, ya know, support the venture. But nooooo: “Yuh hafta come tuh make up numbers!” Then I squander a good eight to eleven minutes obsessing on whether my presence would indeed count, would I be missed? You don’t want to know the abyss of doubt and self degradation this spiraled in to.
Wore black spiky things to the “Rave” party on Saturday: sigh of disappointment. The concept of rave here, as I’ve been duped elsewhere, is the Alternative music played on 95.1FM (bless their heart) but I swear! Alternative, Dance, Reggaeton, anything but dub and soca, if you call it as it is people will still show up… for the free drinks anyway.
‘Free drinks from 2:00AM to 2.30AM’, exactly what brand of bull is this? How much beer, cheap rum and coke and tequila can any rational person chug in half hour? Mas importante, it wholly does not complement my ‘enter free before 10:30’ credo as I’m bound to be too wasted to reckon its 2am at 2am. Even if I did, it’s me and all the other girls-on-a-budget trying to get to the bar without making it completely obvious we’re trying to get to the bar.
Pblished in ETNT Weekly. Bleh
Monday, March 22, 2010
OMG Carnival’s Over?!
What on earth do I do with myself now? Too sudden this climate change, from rainy season to carnival season to dry season, made harsher with calls for water use regulation. And the little kid in us go, “Oh we’ll see,” as we embark on a crusade of purposeful water wastage in what we think is vengeance for not being able to smoke in public, property tax and all other unethical practices made law while we were intoxicated with Alcohol, a safe bottled alternative to water and hence water conserving. That’s right; I brush with the tap running.
What happens when the last band packs it in on Tuesday night is fascinating, if one is easily fascinated. A complete transformation from the minute the ash on our forehead Ash Wednesday gives us amnesty from all sins of yesterday. We become meek, head bowed, humble servants, while thoughts swirl in our head “40 days and 40! nights!!!? Wheyyy!” I’m on your side because giving up chicken is a very big deal in itself and clearly makes one’s heart pure ‘nuff. And not partying, until beachside bikini brams all Easter weekend? Clincher.
Though actually I have been subtly aspiring to reach a Dadi Janki like state of awareness where I can say, truthfully and without smugness, “I don’t club.” For now I am, in fact, part of an elite group of girls who have never had their picture taken in Zen’s washroom; or any other club’s or washroom for that matter. A loud spot in a dark corner, less than 7 pushes to the bar is fun enough. And this is precisely where we’ll be for the next 40 days and 40 nights; we don’t participate in ‘Lent’.
***Published in ETNT Weekly Magz 2.03.2010 Bleh
What happens when the last band packs it in on Tuesday night is fascinating, if one is easily fascinated. A complete transformation from the minute the ash on our forehead Ash Wednesday gives us amnesty from all sins of yesterday. We become meek, head bowed, humble servants, while thoughts swirl in our head “40 days and 40! nights!!!? Wheyyy!” I’m on your side because giving up chicken is a very big deal in itself and clearly makes one’s heart pure ‘nuff. And not partying, until beachside bikini brams all Easter weekend? Clincher.
Though actually I have been subtly aspiring to reach a Dadi Janki like state of awareness where I can say, truthfully and without smugness, “I don’t club.” For now I am, in fact, part of an elite group of girls who have never had their picture taken in Zen’s washroom; or any other club’s or washroom for that matter. A loud spot in a dark corner, less than 7 pushes to the bar is fun enough. And this is precisely where we’ll be for the next 40 days and 40 nights; we don’t participate in ‘Lent’.
***Published in ETNT Weekly Magz 2.03.2010 Bleh
my lovely lady yelps
Saw that werewolf garbage last Saturday. Wolfman. What a load of psh! Just because Benicio DelToro's name is delicious to pronounce, really. Slept through a satisfying portion. Always look for the silver lining: warm pop corn, totally treatttttt! Futile effort it is trying to gauge the distance and time to the top of the line in time catch the old till running out and fresh pop overflowing in. Gold lining on the sliver cloud, Jo said my yelps turns him on... eeeeek!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
From whence they came
Have got a headache the size of a chicken coop. Last night there was an accident, impressive, talking NASCAR quality with long line of fire and everything. Saw it on my way from the hairdresser, who cut my hair again. Woman's got a grudge against lenght. She trims a good to inches under the 'spilt ends' act. Bumped my ride a bit going on to the PBR in El Dorado, seriously something needs to be done about that corner, no one can see the No Left Turn sign, which makes no sense anyway because making a left turn there is in fact very practical and possible and even the lights work in sync to encourage turning left.
Thing is, I happened to see the accident, on my way from the hairdresser, having bumped my ride, in an attempt to not hang out with my current douche I'm hanging out with too much.
Now here I am with a headache the size of a chicken coop waiting on douche to bring me proteins & veggies. horrid little cycle this horrid little world ain it.
Thing is, I happened to see the accident, on my way from the hairdresser, having bumped my ride, in an attempt to not hang out with my current douche I'm hanging out with too much.
Now here I am with a headache the size of a chicken coop waiting on douche to bring me proteins & veggies. horrid little cycle this horrid little world ain it.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
WASA & Valentine’s Day
Last week Saturday took a walk along High Street, don’t get in a fuss about which Saturday it was, the date’s not the moral of the story. When I bumped into a gal I stuck out Secondary School with, nothing to do with her. And Ayanna* joyous at the reunion (I was a bit of a ringleader of the wrong sort) immediately invited me to the WASA fete with her. What I found marvelous about this is how it proves my theory right, if someone didn’t like you 5 years ago, maturity does not necessarily change that. It’s not like food this like and dislike, take paw-paw, I hated that frigging thing, so much I thought it punishment when I had to eat it. These days I love me some pawpaw, yes sir.
But me having not liked Ayanna has not changed. yes I was young and hot-blooded and prone to sporadically not liking people. But in this case that isn’t the case. See, time doesn’t change everything and Ayanna’s loud abrasive obnoxious manner has gotten more pronounced as she found herself, or possibly it’s just absence having made the heart grow fond of its absence. The girl’s LOUD. Loud I tell you. The invite was given to I and all the pirates in range.
Quiet gentle soul I may be but the invite beckoned, most of all because her brother, still hott as ever, said he’d pick me up. Dashing though didn’t cut it; WASA ain’ for the faint hearted or the quiet souls. Did my first and last of that. Moral of the story: avoid loud obnoxious people
Next time you hear from me it’ll be after Valentine’s Day and… I’m not ruining it for anyone by bringing this up, am I? Get the girl a present cheapskate.
*Ayanna is her real name.
**printed in ETNT magazine. bhah
But me having not liked Ayanna has not changed. yes I was young and hot-blooded and prone to sporadically not liking people. But in this case that isn’t the case. See, time doesn’t change everything and Ayanna’s loud abrasive obnoxious manner has gotten more pronounced as she found herself, or possibly it’s just absence having made the heart grow fond of its absence. The girl’s LOUD. Loud I tell you. The invite was given to I and all the pirates in range.
Quiet gentle soul I may be but the invite beckoned, most of all because her brother, still hott as ever, said he’d pick me up. Dashing though didn’t cut it; WASA ain’ for the faint hearted or the quiet souls. Did my first and last of that. Moral of the story: avoid loud obnoxious people
Next time you hear from me it’ll be after Valentine’s Day and… I’m not ruining it for anyone by bringing this up, am I? Get the girl a present cheapskate.
*Ayanna is her real name.
**printed in ETNT magazine. bhah
Monday, March 15, 2010
10 Items or Less

Why am I still pretending to have a job? because Einstein, you cannot exactly hit it off with a suitor if in answer to the dumb-as-ass question "Where do you work?" one says "nowhere." Watch your future free meals walk away...
I do watch too much movies. honest. '10 Items or Less' the half slab story of the day. M Freeman acts as a free spirited actor with a bit of femininity - knuckle bites & giggles - having a career semi crisis, going through bouts of self discovery and practicing a scary inability to not talk to strangers. Digestable doses of eccentric with bits and pieces of weird and hopelessness. Sheldon from BBT (big ban theory ;/) was there... bazzinga! Liked it because all it takes is for em to see, sense or imagine any likeness between me and the hero/heroine and I'm an advocate, blogging up DVD sales. Like the whole List of 10 things blah blah... makes life just that necessary bit simpler. "10 things I Hate about you." 10 Reasons I Like Cheerios. 10 Reasons Soca sucks. 10 things expired in my refrigerator
Friday, March 12, 2010
chicken vegan

I was musing wistfully about the fate of chickens. Triggered by Natalie Portman's vegan campaign and these delectable chicken fries with honey mustard almost completely gone. Even though when buying it I was irritated with myself for lining up humbly supporting more USofA food giants squashing the shadow beni culture of our nation. Of course I didn't think about Natalie's stance at that particular time. Truth is I do like a lot of people fall under the vegetarian-who-eats-only-chicken umbrella. I'm not Complete moron so I don't proclaim "I'm a vegetarian but I only eat fish... and chicken!"
I think over the next ten years or so give or give, I'll phase out this chicken eating, cant be that hard. Psh. plus I'll still have feesh
Well I Never...
First off, tis' some bull! i totally so did create a blog already! bloody heck! to show my displeasure i'm simulateously creating a blog on wordpress. ha! one of the two will soon be more negelected than the other, that very likely means complete abandonemnt since, the one left will exist in a near abandoned state.
Ok, so YOU can consider this my first blog, don't matter one bit cause I know the truth... oh well, back to racking up the blogs. I'm at the office, one of them. supposed to be doing an article to replace the garbage article one of our writers sent in. i swear already.
Catch you around.
oh, FTR: i do like most of you hope to one day get a book deal hence the blog :)
Ok, so YOU can consider this my first blog, don't matter one bit cause I know the truth... oh well, back to racking up the blogs. I'm at the office, one of them. supposed to be doing an article to replace the garbage article one of our writers sent in. i swear already.
Catch you around.
oh, FTR: i do like most of you hope to one day get a book deal hence the blog :)
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