had to change my blog-look, i know, 'if i didn't see ii i wouldn't want it" well that's neither here nor there at this point 'cause i did and i did. It's July, this where the crowds go "July/May/'uary, de best month!"

Frankly, it being the end of school semester and the beginning of 'summer' it can arguably be... doesn't have the pressures of December or the intimidation and judgment of January, it's near competitors :) See July is my birthday month, and where, just about 4 years ago i gave up on 25 as my golden year, i postponed it to my golden birthday... where not many get the opportunity to do as they please miss 4 on the 4th and 12 on the 12th. And like all things postponed it rolls around and you're still like, "busy, check me back." It's gonna be here and it's got to be attended to.
Sadly, i have friends who won't let it go, nature of ghastly humans, revel in reveling in their brothers'/sisters' misery. I'm torn in between deciding to take the high road and celebrating with them, except that'll be penance for me and i think the least i can get, is what i want, if that's not asking to much... or deciding to be childish and disappear for a couple days, the norm. EXCEPT! this time i'll be getting my hair cut and dyed somewhere and maybe some ink or piercings

lot of ish going down, but ya know me, i try to stay out of people's bizz, especially when it concerns me and i not up to addressing you in a civil matter. Yes, this post is actually as grand as you're thinking because even as i write i'm nodding my dead with steel conviction that i WILL be back, posting frequent and eloquent *he he* bits all through the month, nope, no sire will July be like June or that month before it. but, ya know. I'll even toss in a random pic or 4 of where i've been lately, make it nicely and wholesome, chuckle.