Sunday, May 30, 2010

rainy food season

Rainy season's here. I've got loads of mosquito bites to prove it. In this land of many (not) options, between the rainy and the dry season I'd take the rain, cause you can wake with a better feeling that, your odds are pretty good that people wont come 'visiting' in the downpour. When it pours in Trinidad, it pours. What do i do with all this time? Mimic the food channel

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And one day later

I find myself seated in Rituals in what I like to call our Wall Street district,
in flip flops and jeans, hair combed by the wind
drinking overpriced coffee, making weird faces and the mister in the business suit nearby,
trying to ignore the black musician intricately explain himself'
speaking slowly so the white girl with the accent understands him
though she speaks English faster than him,
listening now to Audioslave on my earplug,
having just finished an interview, with Faye Ann's sister who rolled her eyes every time i called her Faye Ann's sister,
in a quaint room at the back of KFC St James,
in a building where were it not for this meeting you,
as I have,
would certainly pass without a second glance on your clever detour to outsmart afternoon traffic, rubbing shoulders with talented producers whose names I didn't catch,
preparing now
for a meeting with a client tomorrow
to convince her that I, and I only can shoot her wedding and have it remembered the way she wants.
some days it's pretty ok being me

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weird, Anti-Social, Deviant or D?

Fayola saw my tattoo today, the one on my arm and, logically asked what it meant. didn't think she'd fall for the "it's just curly gibberish" so I tried the "it's my favourite 3 letters." She then goes into a laughing fit, a real breakdown I tell you. Then says, gasping "OMG this is it you are crazy!" Now... I mean did I miss something?

somehow wound up reading Wikipedia later (Fine, was searching for a personality I feel comfortable with so I can commence work on developing that personality.) When did Anti-social (opposing accepted social norms), Deviant (deviating from social norms) and Weird (deviating from the normal, unusual character or behaviour) become such abysmally negative words?

Psh. the images are from a walk in the park around recently 2am

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brand New Sowing Season (Yeah)

Found them on a mix tape i swiped form Su's ride and been impossible to get the CD out the player since. Bought my friend now in London a very dainty card t opost... Took forever to choose it too and therein lies my current shortness with my current pseudo boyfriend. I miss getting mix-tapes and cards. Regardless of what i say, Aniston in exasperation in - The Breakup: "Every girl likes flowers."