Monday, August 30, 2010

D' Day, and I may be damned

acckkkk! so excited. Last day as an employee. don't know what the future holds, line's blurry, you know, the line, the horizon thing they say you see. yeah, well that's all blurry. I'm excited no asssss though! Excited to succeed or fail, and like i told Kesh and Youth, it'll be interesting to roll with the 'on a budget' crowd for a while. Later, if need be, i'll enjoy the 'urrrg i can't pay my rent *dials BF* crowd' but mostly it's like i told my other brother, and Faye, and Van, and Trish, and Raq, and Kev, Joel, Jaba, Chad, Lester and I'll say to anyone - I can't fail. that's right, little black girl's got ambition movies are based on, coming from a life movies been based on. SO bleh, before this gets too chummy... I'm off, to clear up the last remnants of my being here, yup at the office, though the chances of me coming were a good 70/30.

I'm seriously rethinking the call card idea that i wasn't serious about. the buttons turning out to be my ideal twitter outlet for years of nurtured sacarsm waiting for an outlet - oh yes, the buttons, thought i was joking huh. well we'll just see won't we, exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark.

also thought, during my power thinking time, that i should do a separate blog, chronicling life on the breadline, ya know, in case it turns out ok maybe it'll inspire one other easily inspired person to hop out the rat race and ride on the cat's back. possible name: life on the breadline, that's the only one i got before power thinking time was up.

since this post insists on being long, I might way as well say... ok done. Boss came to chit chat. nothing rocks like goodbye! :)


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

4 more days to go

in the life of employment. waiting to feel those first panicky fingers of uncertainty... probably lost beneath the inner scream fest of freedom going on in ma head. i look forward to boredom, oh i so do! i freaking dare it to venture near me, i double dare you! please?

Anyway the only dawning I've had so far, while zoning out reading Hitchhiker's Guide on the bowl (the book was swiped from The Cafe, how dare whoever did it! in this apt of 3, where only 2 read, and one's got the role of accuser on the bowl. i swipe stuff from the library all the time but that's a whole other galaxy, instant income tax returns). To the dawning, the notion that I'll finally have time to shop, keep up with the trends, get loads of shoes I'll only wear once a year and all day spa days is all hampered by the minute fact that I won't have an in flow of cash and pretty quickly I'll run out of spending dough. Solution?

rather than ration it out in that case we did somewhere in psych class, I'll binge spending for a punch effect! (theory: you have one piece of bread and you're starving with no sight of bread in the near future. you can either have little pieces of the bread over the next few days, but you'll always be left hungry OR have all the bread in one go - you'll be enormously but temporarily satisfied... now that i think about it maybe it's something i read in a Holocaust novel.) Anyway, immense satisfaction seems like the way to go.

Well I'm still in the office, might as well make the best of frostwire while I'm still here, tis so very much faster here.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

not quite

a post. more a run by to whine about something. but between logging in this morning and actually getting around to it some hours later. things have looked up! Zazzle is refusing to support my foray into random business by continuously canceling my order. so being the mastermind that i am, as is most rational human beings, if you just give yourself a try... what was i saying? oh right so i ordered the machine to make my product! ha! we'll see who knows nothing about anything now zazzle! yup so that went down today, super excited about that. nevermind the fact that zazzle is holding my initial 1200US... but I tend to worry not my likkle heart about such matters as frivolous as money.

Also... uhmm no i think that's it. oh wait, i think i may have decided to be rich after all. how hard can it be?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

bloody august...

... you came before i had time to post my 'killer July entry'. think it can hold off until next July. swear, i really would love to blog, got me a bundle of super smart quirky quotes all prepared (oh bet your sweet ass they were!) but between my BB falling into the quaint mossy pond in the hollows, and so setting me free from Instant World, and losing 7.6 gigs of RAW data.. wedding shots no less things have been chaotic, and that's just the last 3 days...

Toying with leaving the mag too, didn't sign up for this much work, who ever knowingly does? Ready but chicken shit to make the step into entrepreneurship and sadly enough (my mom would be ashamed if she raised me right) faced with being self employment or getting hitched... getting hitched is actually shaping up as the more attractive option. rent free, tax free baby! But more on that another time... or not.
Right now i'm blowing my 2010 savings on Zazzle buying buttons, which! if the photography thing doesnt work out (blasphemy no more meaningful than my geezus outbursts) I'll be swamping T&T with buttons. yeah, so all (any?) of you traders who think you got a niche market, on lock, better be prepared! that exclamation is just about all the vigor you gonna get out of that idea.